Building up your confidence and self-belief

Before we get to today’s episode, I wanted to fill you all in on some stuff! At the end of the month, my wife, daughter and I are going to the UK to hangout with one of my business mentors and spend time at his clinics out there. If you don’t already, follow me on social media for live updates! Next week is my next series of guest interviews featuring past students of mine to show you what can be accomplished as canine rehabilitation business owners. I also am planning my “your questions answered” podcast episode so submit the questions that you want answered below!

What I’ve come to realize is that the things that tend to hold us back in business ownership are our mindset and our outlook on life and not necessarily our business skills. We tend to think, “I don’t know how to hire, do marketing, I’m not good at finance” and all of those things can be learned and/or outsourced. The one thing that you can never outsource is working on your mindset and that is the thing that will hold us back. It’s always important to keep developing your clinical skills but it will be even more important to focus on developing ourselves along with that. Listen to the full episode to hear more!

Submit your questions:

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