Are you charging enough for your services? With Megan Kelly

This episode of The K9PT Academy podcast is a special one where our host Dr. Francisco Maia is a guest on The Veterinary Rehabilitation Podcast. It’s an episode titled “Are You Charging Enough for Your Services?” and is hosted by Dr. Megan Kelly. It’s important to become comfortable talking about money, payments, and invoices as a business owner. Selling is a huge part of our everyday lives, whether it involves money or not, but we are all much more uncomfortable when it does. As professionals, you have to learn and understand the value of your services and your knowledge. Be careful to balance your selling technique – it isn’t all about your expertise, it’s about the value you bring to clients.

Almost any business is a customer service business, and you have to remember that when trying to sell your services. The number-one mistake people make when setting their prices is averaging out the costs compared to similar businesses in the area. What you have to start doing is considering the costs of running the business and making money. If you aren’t profitable, you may as well work for someone else. If you are charging correctly, there will be some pushback.

People are afraid of rejection, which leads to a lowering in prices. Don’t be afraid to charge what you need to actually run your business. Burnout is a very real thing, and you need to make enough money to be able to take time off. When it comes time to raise your prices, don’t forget to take your existing clients into account. It’s important to show that you respect them. Explain the price increase face-to-face and offer existing clients the chance to continue paying the old price for a period while new clients coming in pay the increased price.

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